13 October Benduenos to Mieres

Endurance day.

Firstly, we had to WAIT! The volunteer hospitalero wanted to accompany us on a shortcut to the next village and so we couldn’t set off when we wanted to. Then there was asphalt for much of the day, which is really hard on the feet…spectacular mountain scenery was replaced by roads lined with hamlets and vegetable gardens, and then industrial buildings….the anticipated medieval fiesta in Pola de Lena obviously not underway when we walked through at 11:30….

BUT we did get to see the cow market!

And the temperature started at a very moderate 16 degrees and rose another 11, which was pleasant.

And we found birthday pastries

And we didn’t get killed on the road which last time had me seriously worried as busses and trucks hurtled past alarmingly close – this time there was hardly any traffic at all apart from cyclists and a car rally (and instead of walking into oncoming traffic which is ordinarily safer, we stuck to the other side of the road which had more space)And we had a yummy lunch at 3:30 (apparently we were the laughing stock of two families as we ordered – we can only surmise *everyone* knows what “Grandma’s Plate” is, and it was amusing that we didn’t – but we asked, and now we know too – and Ella-Rose has eaten it – fried potatoes, a massive chorizo and fried egg, if you’re wondering)When in Mieres, drink cider. So we did.

Distance: 28.3km (106.6km total – which means I’ve about hit 500km now)

Elevation gain: 221m (3012m total which is enough to get to Base Camp on Mt Everest – which might be the next trek given the groans about how boring today’s walk was!!)

Dead animals: two mice and one cat, unrelated

Scary signs: none

Adventures: none (although we did see a hurricane is due to hit tomorrow, and the guy who checked us in to the albergue must have been feeling it in his bones coz he had quite a case of the grumps – not helped by me filling in the form incorrectly and then – horror of horrors – crossing out my mistake!)

Blackberries: plenty but the bushes had been trimmed – presumably by the council and I wondered if they had also sprayed them so I didn’t eat any

Remember – not every day can be a mountaintop experience!

2 thoughts on “13 October Benduenos to Mieres

  1. Maybe you did not enjoy the day’s walk, but you condensed 28 kms hard yakker into an enjoyable read! I still really enjoy seeing the glimpses of real Spain. Walk on…buen Camino


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